New Rent Rules: Fast Facts

New renting rules come into effect on the 29th March 2021 with more than 130 reforms being introduced. These reforms help clarify the rights and responsibilities of both renters and rental providers from before you sign a rental agreement, until after the agreement ends. These reforms apply to all types of tenancies, including private rentals, caravan parks and rooming houses.

If you would like to learn more about these up coming changes please contact the team at Active Property Management Ph: 0488 008 651. A full list and more information on the changes can be found at Consumer Affairs Victoria.

Some of these reforms include:

  • Renters can no longer be evicted for no reason – a valid reason is required, including: a sale, change of use, or if the owner is moving back into the property.
  • An expanded definition of urgent repairs, which includes serious faults that impact on safety and use of the property.
  • Rent can only be increased once per year.
  • New minimum rental standards ensure that rental properties meet basic standards of cleanliness, security and privacy.
  • Renters can make simple modifications without seeking permission, such as attaching child safety devices or replacing curtains.
  • Allowing other modifications that a rental provider cannot unreasonably refuse, including allowing planting of a vegetable or herb garden, painting, securing gates and installing security systems and flyscreen’s at the renters own cost.
  • Rentals can now only be offered at a fixed price. Rental providers and agents cannot invite rental bids for higher rent.
  • Rental providers and agents cannot make false or misleading representations to encourage someone to sign a rental agreement.
  • It is unlawful to discriminate against renters based on their personal attributes, such as age, race, religion or disability.
  • Rental providers cannot ask for a accept more than a month’s rent as bond, or require renters to pay more than one month’s rent in advance for properties with a rent of $900 per week or less.
  • Pets cannot be unreasonably refused, although renters must still ask for permission.
  • A renter can be evicted if they are violent or threating towards a rental provider, agent or neighbour.
  • Renters experiencing family violence will be able to change or terminate their rental agreement and not be held liable for damages in some circumstances.
  • Rental providers are responsible for conducting gas and electricity checks every two years.
  • A staged requirement for rented properties to have an energy efficient heater so renters can stay warm without worrying about their electricity bills.
  • Introducing new standard rental agreements, condition reports and forms.

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This post was written by getactivepm