From time to time every home will require some sort of repair or general maintenance. Repairs can be defined as non-urgent and urgent repairs with both being equally as important. Any signs that a repair is required should be reported to Active Property Management as soon as possible in writing by using our Maintenance Form.
Urgent repairs are required for serious problems that affect safety or security of the property, or failure of any essential service or appliance. Essentially, anything that either puts the tenant into immediate danger or causes immediate damage to the property is classified as requiring an urgent repair and requires immediate attention.
Urgent repairs are defined as the following and should be reported by phoning 0488 008 651 immediately and then followed up in writing as a record of the issue and what has occurred.
With any maintenance it’s always helpful to add photos if possible, to give your Property Manager a better understanding of the maintenance that’s being reported.
These kind of repairs include:
- A burst water service
- An appliance, fitting or fixture that is not working properly and causes a substantial amount of water to be wasted
- Any fault or damage in the premises that makes the premises unsafe or insecure
- A blocked or broken toilet system
- A gas leak
- A dangerous electrical fault
- Serious storm or fire damage
- Failure or breakdown of any essential service or appliance provided by your landlord or agent for hot water, water, cooking, heating, or laundering
- Failure or breakdown of the gas, electricity, or water supply
- A serious fault in a lift or staircase.
- Flooding or serious flood damage
- A serious roof leak
Important Information:
If you have an urgent repair you must contact the team at Active Property Management immediately on 0488 008 651 during office or after hours and follow up in writing.